Eating good meals is a great strategy for good learning.
When I was growing up our family usually had oatmeal for breakfast during the week, with our own fresh goat’s milk or fresh cow’s milk and fresh fruit. On weekends we would have pancakes or waffles and eggs. At times we would also have eggs and toast or French toast during the weekdays.
Living on a farm with a cow and goats we always had fresh cream for our cereal as well as fresh milk to drink. The milk, cream and butter were packed with good enzymes, so we never got fat.
Oatmeal, eggs, and whole grain pancakes with good bacon were standard breakfasts when I was growing up. It was a great way to start the day! We remained healthy and alert all day.
We usually packed a lunch for school. We would have an orange, apple, or banana with a whole grain bread sandwich. Sandwiches were often made with leftover chicken, roast or turkey with mayonnaise and mustard. Sometimes we had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Our thermoses were usually filled with milk or watered-down grape juice, or at times hot cocoa when it was cold. We were not allowed to go on the playground until the lunch break was over.
When I went to high school we had a good cafeteria, but I would also go get a hamburger and a chocolate malt, before going to work or before playing in sports. The hamburger was real good meat from the ranches surrounding out home and school.
Our supper in the evening was usually with meat and vegetables. Both at breakfast and supper we talked about all the interesting things that happened during the day. I have good feelings about those days. After supper, Dad would tell us stories about his life or read us stories from good books.
My conclusion is that we are a healthy people, able to learn, to the degree we have family time with good meals and very rarely eat worthless junk food.
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