Spring Break and Vacations are GOOD

Spring Break and Vacations are GOOD

    Parents often ask me if they might continue to have their child come during a Spring Break or other one or two-week time when there is no school. 

    It sounds like a good idea, but I have found it counter-productive. One of the reasons for the break in the first place is to give students an opportunity to rest their brain and get ready for the next step in learning.

    During the week off, it would still be good not to start bad habits of binging on TV or video games or just sleeping all day. Those habits are hard to break, even after only a week.

Here are some suggestions:

  •  If one parent is not working outside the home, you could plan each day to do something special you could not do during the school day.

  •  Go to the river, hike in the mountains, visit some historical sites, have game competitions, ride bikes around the city or other places.

  •  Take walks together and talk about all the interesting things you see.

    If the parent works outside the home, consider taking the child with you to work for part of the day or visit grandparents and other family members. You might even find other parents with the same need to have something to do with the kids. 

You can fill pages with other ideas from your imagination. Have fun!


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