School is under way! Protect your children - by Chuck Stilwell
School is under way! Protect your children. We live in an unprecedented time of change. At the same time there are so many disturbing trends taking place that directly affect children. A great number of young parents are unaware of certain dangers to their children. You already know how I feel about reinstituting responsible phonics which helps the student think better, read and spell better, and helps establish order in their lives. Here are some things that we have researched only a little and are alarmed at what is happening in our society and with our children. 1. In recent years, especially, I have witnessed the effects of the fruit-loop types of cereals and noticed due to all added colorings and no real benefit nutritionally, that within 10 minutes the child becomes almost uncontrollably hyper-active. Such unhealthy foods, sodas and other drinks add to the problems. The kids become diagnosed as ADHD, when a simple change in diet and home order can usually take care of the p...