School is under way! Protect your children - by Chuck Stilwell
School is under way! Protect your children.
We live in an unprecedented time of change. At the same time there are so many disturbing trends taking place that directly affect children.
A great number of young parents are unaware of certain dangers to their children. You already know how I feel about reinstituting responsible phonics which helps the student think better, read and spell better, and helps establish order in their lives. Here are some things that we have researched only a little and are alarmed at what is happening in our society and with our children.
1. In recent years, especially, I have witnessed the effects of the fruit-loop types of cereals and noticed due to all added colorings and no real benefit nutritionally, that within 10 minutes the child becomes almost uncontrollably hyper-active. Such unhealthy foods, sodas and other drinks add to the problems. The kids become diagnosed as ADHD, when a simple change in diet and home order can usually take care of the problem. Some research points out that the box is more nutritious.
2. Healthy breakfasts with meat, eggs, or the right oatmeal type cereals and whole milk. Cheese, nuts, and fresh fruit rather than juices, stay with the child until about 2:00. The kids who have a healthy breakfast perform better, longer in our learning center. Smarty-Pants Vitamins from Swanson Vitamin company are very good.
3. Check to see if your children have the habit of throwing anything on the floors of their bedrooms and even the rest of the house. This tends to cause the brain to be disorderly, not to mention family upsets.
4. As fun as superheroes are to watch on the internet or in movies, the violence, crude vocabulary, and the fact that no one permanently dies, has, in my opinion, caused a disregard for a positive lifestyle and life, itself. Many in our culture do not seem to be bothered by the fact that over 65 million babies have been aborted in this country alone for no good reason other than selfishness. China is worse. Don’t you wonder if some of those aborted could have been adopted and become awesome citizens, finding cures of diseases, becoming leaders, and perhaps changing the culture to respect life and orderliness and restore our country to one honoring the vision of our forefathers?
I am not attempting to cause a controversy. I simply think parents and grandparents should look carefully at what is happening to our children and do the small things that could change in time change the culture to a more positive one. It is time we rescued our children from a decadent society before it is too late. One simple thing parents can do is to go to the government school and stay all day with your student to see what is being taught and what is not being taught. It might be frightening to witness.
The homeschoolers in our learning center are way above the government schools mainly because the parents give the children training in life skills and they quickly excel in reading and math skills. Many use our reading and math learning systems. We get results!
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